Mindful Families

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Aloha Ohana! It’s “Mindful Monday” here at Ko’olauloa Health Center. Here are a few tips on seven things mindful families do differently.

Busy schedules, digital devices, long commutes—all of this leads to families who are disconnected from each other as never before. Here are 7 ways mindfulness can strengthen your relationships, increase your well-being, and bring the family back together.

As the world gets seemingly faster, it’s more important than ever to build the strength of presence within ourselves and in our families. Our culture is sensing this need and that is why we see an increasing amount of people in all sectors of life exploring ways to become more grounded through yoga, diet, and mindfulness. This yearning is making its way into our homes as many of us have searched for practices and experiences to slow down and bring more connection into our family life as well. 

7 Things Mindful Families Do Differently

  1. Embrace Imperfection

  2. Listen with Curiosity

  3. Communicate Courageously

  4. Practice Appreciation and Gratitude

  5. Forgive Ourselves and Each Other

  6. Practice Support and Generosity 

  7. Don’t forget to play and have fun!

