Aloha ‘Ohana!
Today KHC’s Allison Higa-Howerton PA-C and Kelly Miyashiro PA-C spoke to K-6th graders at Ka'a'awa Elementary School for their career day. Other presenters included the fire department, police department, marine biologist, chef, and a football coach.
Looking forward to seeing one of you at a future outreach event in our community.
Have a great weekend!
#khcoutreach #koolauloahealthcenter #koolauloahealth
Aloha ‘Ohana,
Did you know that the volcanic haze (vog) from the current Big Island eruption has reached Oahu and may affect your keiki if they have asthma? This is a particular concern since Ko’olauloa’s keiki experience asthma rates 50% higher than the state average.
Asthma Awareness is critical, so let’s keep in mind that asthma sufferers are especially sensitive to changes in air quality and climate.
KHC can help you regain control of your asthma. If you or a family member is suffering from asthma (or any other health concern), call us at 293-9231. We are always accepting new patients regardless of insurance or ability to pay.
#asthmaawareness #letsbreatheasy #koolauloahealth #koolauloahealthcenter
Aloha ‘Ohana!
Did you know that if your plate looks like this when you’re eating, you’re doing something right!
Did you know each color of food has specific benefits? We’ve compiled a list of the different benefits tied to different colors to help you narrow your grocery list!
Red: Red foods are often rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals, support heart health, and help skin renewal.
Orange: Orange foods such as oranges and carrots are often high in vitamin C, work to boost immunity, support eye health, and can help reduce blood pressure.
Yellow: Foods like bananas, lemons, and yellow bell peppers, support digestion, boost immunity, and promote skin health.
Green: Green foods work to aid in tissue healing, detoxify the body, and support eye health.
Blue and purple: Foods like blueberries, blackberries, and eggplants boost memory, reduce inflammation, and protect against skin damage.
#bewell #staywell #livewell #eatwell#vegetables #fruit #antioxidants #vitamins #northshoreoahu #northshorehealth #kahukuhealth #hauulahealth #laiehealth #koolauloahealth #koolauloahealthcare
Aloha ‘Ohana!
Did you know that we believe a community’s health isn’t just measured by access to medical care? It’s true. We believe that physical and mental health are critical elements for improving social well-being. Vibrant public spaces are essential community resources where people come together to play, learn, grow food, exercise, and relax.
At Ko’olauloa Health Center we work with local, public, and private partners to address those needs to improve community health outcomes within the Ko’olauloa area by improving opportunities for physical activity; increasing access to nutritious and affordable food; promoting public safety; and offering high-quality health care services.
Learn more about KHC’s services at
#bewell #staywell #koolauloahealthcenter #kahukuhealth #laiehealth #hauulahealth
Aloha ‘Ohana,
What is a “well-child visit”? Even if your child is not sick, regular visits to the doctor provide important information and treatments to help your child grow up healthy. These visits to the doctor are free of charge.
KHC’s well-child visit for children includes:
- Examination of your child’s body, including height and weight, vision, and hearing.
- Answering your and your child’s questions.
- Providing physical, mental, and social advice.
- Administering necessary vaccinations.
- Making referrals to specialists if needed.
Contact Dr. Danielle Lum to schedule your keiki’s well-child vist.
Ko’olauloa Health Center - Kahuku Clinic
56-119 Pualalea Street, Kahuku HI 96731
(808) 293-9231
#wellchild #wellchildvisit #koolauloahealthcenter #koolauloahealth #keikihealth
Aloha ‘Ohana!
It was such a pleasure to meet up with our community partner Tagata Monana Hui Foundation (TMHF) this weekend. The Tagata Moana Hui Foundation is a coalition of community health workers who are dedicated to connecting communities with resources and coordination events. TMHF works in partnership with agencies and organizations across the health and human services spectrum to ensure resources are accessible in culturally and linguistically appropriate ways. All of us at KHC are proud to support the Tagata Moana Hui Foundation!
Mahalo TMHF! Looking forward to doing more with the entire team in 2025.
#tagatamoanahuifoundation #tmhf #koolauloahealthcenter #communityhealth #outreach
Aloha 'Ohana!
Wishing all of our patients, supporters, and friends a safe, healthy, and fun-filled weekend! Mahalo for your continued support.
. Live Well . Be Well .
#bewell #staywell #livewell #kahukuhealth #laiehealth #hauulahealth #kaaawahealth #koolauloahealthcenter #northshorehealth
Aloha ‘Ohana!
Did you know anyone can get prescriptions filled at KHC’s pharmacy?
We might be able to save you money, too! KHC patients can be eligible for discounts and we have sliding scale pricing for the uninsured.
Our friendly pharmacist offers free medication reconciliation — discussing each individual medication, what it is used for (indication), instructions for administration, how it works within the body, anticipated side effects and most importantly, possible interactions with other medications you might already be taking.
We also have complimentary pill boxes and cutters, if you need them.
Give us a call at 293-9231 if you have any questions or would like to setup an appointment. You can also learn more at:
#pharmacy #kahukupharmacy #laiepharmacy #hauulapharmacy #kaaawapharmacy #koolauloahealthcenter
Action shot from yesterday’s KHC outreach event at Kaiaka Food Bank. Allison helping to clean a wound on a person's ear. Mahalo Allison for everything you do.
#koolauloahealthcenter #khcoutreach #outreachinaction
Aloha ‘Ohana!
In case you missed it - we wanted to let you know that KHC is thrilled to welcome veteran pediatrician Doug Sutherland back to our team. Dr. Sutherland has been caring for Ko’olauloa’s keiki for over 30 years.
Dr. Sutherland accepts ALL children — both new and returning patients. Call 293-9231 to make an appointment today. Welcome aboard Dr. Sutherland!
#koolauloahealthcenter #koolauloahealthcare# kahukuhelathcare #laiehealthcare #kaaawahealthcare
Aloha ‘Ohana!
We’ll be supporting the North Shore Food Bank tomorrow Wednesday, March 19th at Kaiaka Bay Beach Park. The distribution and outreach starts at noon.
For assistance in food, housing, medical, and dental: @kealahouwestoahu@hawaiifoodbank SNAP @keolamamo
Lunch provided by @riveroflifehawaii
Mahalo to all our providers @hawaiifoodbank@alohaharvest volunteers, and sponsors!
#nsfoodbank #foodblessings #communityoutreachservices#volunteersuperstars #northshoreoahu #haleiwa#waialua
Aloha ‘Ohana!
Did you know that Ko’olauloa Health Center is part of one of the nation’s largest healthcare provider networks? Every day, Ko’olauloa Health Center combines medical, dental, behavioral health care, and pharmacy services into a single Ko’olauloa Health Home.
- Medical Services
- Dental Services
- Pharmacy Services
- Podiatry Services
- Community Outreach Services
At Ko’olauloa Health Center believe that health care should be a right, not a privilege. That is why we do everything in our power to ensure that all families in our community have access to the quality, affordable health care they deserve, and the peace of mind it brings.
Call (808) 293-9231 or visit to set up your appointment today.
#bewell #staywell #northshoreoahu #northshorehealth #kahukuhealth #hauulahealth #laiehealth #koolauloahealth #koolauloahealthcare
Aloha ‘Ohana,
Did you know that every year, Americans report more than 2 million cases of poisoning? This week during National Poison Prevention Week, all of us at KHC would like to thank all those who staff our Nation’s poison control centers for working around the clock to offer people in need life-saving guidance and care.
We urge everyone in our community to learn how to prevent and respond to poison emergencies.
The national toll-free Poison Help line is 1-800-222-1222. Calling will connect you to our local poison center. The local poison center is your resource for help in a poisoning emergency. When you call, you will speak with a specially trained nurse, pharmacist, or doctor at your local poison center.
#bewell #staywell #nationalpoisonpreventionweek #koolauloahealthcenter #koolauloahealthcare
Aloha ʻOhana!
Spring is right around the corner and you and your keiki have a reason to smile!
Come see Dr. Cecilia our local Dental Specialist! We accept ALL Insurance & Medicaid Sliding fee program for uninsured. Schedule your dental appointment today!
Call (808) 293-9231 so set up your appointment or visit for more information about our services.
#koolauloadental #koolauloadentalhealth #koolauloahealthcenter #koolauloahealthcare
Aloha ‘Ohana,
Here is a great message from our friends at the Hawaii Department of Health:
Devoting some time every day to care for yourself can go a long way toward protecting your heart health. Self-care, like moving more, preparing healthier meals, getting enough quality sleep, and taking a moment to de-stress, helps your heart.
Call (808) 293-9231 or visit to make an appointment to learn more about taking care of yourself or scheduling your annual physical.
#bewell #staywell #livewell #ourhearts #kahukuhealth #laiehealth #hauulahealth #kaaawahealth #northshorehealth #koolauloahealthcare #koolauloahealthcenter
Aloha ‘Ohana!
Here are a few thoughts for all of you this coming weekend:
All of us at Ko’olauloa Health Center believe that health care should be a right, not a privilege. That is why we do everything in our power to ensure that all families in our community have access to the quality, affordable health care they deserve, and the peace of mind it brings.
Learn more about what we believe at:
#whatwebelieve #koolauloahealthcenter #koolauloahealthcare
Are you over 65?
Ko’olauloa Health Center offers FREE Welcome to Medicare and Annual Wellness Visits (AW) for preventive care such as depression, cognitive impairment, and assessing fall risk. Your first AW can be scheduled within the first 12 months of signing up for Medicare. After that, you’re entitled to an AWV in addition to your regular annual physical exams every year.
Let KHC provide your Kūpuna with a personalized plan to stay healthy and well by calling (808) 293-9231 or visiting to schedule a free Medicare preventive care visit.
#medicare #annualwellnessvisit #kahukuhealthcare #kaaawahealthcare #koolauloahealthcare
Aloha ‘Ohana!
Getting healthcare from someone who understands the needs and concerns of watermen and women is easy at KHC!
At the Kahuku Clinic, our surfing trio of doctors, Primary Care Physicians Dr. Adrian Worthen and Dr. Vincent Giani and Podiatrist Dr. Darren Day can relate! All three love being in the water and know how to take care of active people. Don’t wait until you are sick or injured. All three providers are taking new patients and are ready to establish a medical home for you.
Make wellness part of your personal health plan and call to schedule an initial visit today! (808) 293-9231 We accept everyone regardless of ability to pay.
Kahuku Clinic
56-119 Pualalea St.
Kahuku, HI 96731
Hau‘ula Clinic
54-316 Kamehameha Hwy Ste 6 Hau‘ula, HI 96717
Friday-Sunday Closed
#bewell #staywell #livewell #surfwell #northshorehealth #kahukuhealth #laiehealth #hauulahealth #kaaawahealth #koolauloahealthcare
Aloha ‘Ohana,
Here a quick PSA for all of you. We will be at the North Shore Service Center on the 2nd Wednesday of Every Month between 10:00am ~ 1:00pm in support of the NSSC goal of creating a gathering place of providers to help people in need of assistance.
Update Coming Date and Time:
Wednesday, March 12, 10:00am ~ 1:00pm
Waialua Community Association
(Hale’iwa Gym)
66-434 Kamehameha Hwy, Hale’iwa
Providers will include:
Ko’olaulo Health Center
Institute for Human Services
North Shore Food Bank
River of Life Mission
Education for Homeless Children & Youth
Kealahou West-Oahu
Narcotics Anonymous Hale’iwa
Hawaii Food Bank-SNAP Outreach Team
Legal Aid
Entouch Phones
& More...
For more information or to join us as a provider, call Linda at (808) 780-8037.
#northshoreservicecenter #koolauloahealthcenter
Aloha ‘Ohana,
Here is some good advice from our staff. With the excitement (and stress) that is happening around all of us - remember to stay grounded and positive. Remember: you can’t live a positive life with a negative mind. Wishing everyone a healthy Tuesday!
#staypositive #tuesdayvibes #koolauloahealthcenter
Aloha ‘Ohana!
Our friendly pharmacy team is ready to serve all North Shore customers. Even if you are not a patient with us, you are still able to fill prescriptions at Ko’olauloa Health Center.
Unlike most retail pharmacies, Ko’olauloa Health Center makes medications affordable with a sliding scale for uninsured patients.
Ko’olauloa Health Center’s free consultation services by our friendly pharmacist include medication reconciliation — discussing each individual medication, what it is used for (indication), instructions for administration, how it works within the body, anticipated side effects, and most importantly, possible interactions with other medications you might already be taking.
Ko’olauloa Pharmacy also offers their patients: shorter wait times for medications; one-stop convenience with the pharmacy co-located at Ko’olauloa Health Center’s Kahuku Clinic right next to the hospital; complimentary pill organizers and pill cutters; and of course personalized friendly service because at KHC you’re ‘ohana.
Ko’olauloa Health Center’s providers and pharmacists work as a team to keep you and your family well! If you live in Laie or Kahuku, come fill your next prescription with one of Ko’olauloa Health Center’s providers.
Visit or call (808) 293-9231 for more information.
#bewell #staywell #livewell #northshorepharmacy #kahukupharmacy #laiepharmacy #hauulapharmacy #kaaawapharmacy #koolauloahealthcenter
Aloha ‘Ohana!
Do you recognize any of these logos? If you do these are the drug plans that are accepted at Ko’olauloa Pharmacy.
We look forward to serving you. See you soon!
Call (808) 293-9231 or visit for more information.
#bewell #staywell #laiepharmacy #hauulapharmacy #kahukuhealthcare #laiehealthcare #koolauloahealthcare
Aloha ‘Ohana,
Here is an important statistic to keep in mind: did you know that over 1,000 women in Hawaii are diagnosed with breast cancer annually? It is the second most deadly cancer for women after lung cancer. Death rates are highest for Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders. Early detection and treatment are key.
Know the warning signs:
- New lump in your breast or armpit
- Any swelling or thickening of your breast
- Irritation or dimpling of breast skin
- Redness or flaky skin on your breast
- Pain or pulling in of your nipple
- Nipple discharge (other than milk!)
- Change in size or shape of your breast
- Pain in any part of your breast
Self-checks and getting to a doctor right away can save your life.
Call us at 293-9231 for an appointment.
#northshorehealth #kahukuhealthcare #laiehealthcare #hauulahealthcare #kaaawahealthcare #breastcancer #koolauloahealthcare #koolauloahealthcenter
Aloha ‘Ohana!
Did you know that Ko’olauloa Health Center provides comprehensive and compassionate care for women including well-woman exams, pap smears, perinatal care, contraception, STI testing, and much more.
Make an appointment with one of our Women’s Health care providers today! Call (808) 293-9231 or visit for more information.
#womenshealthservices #northshorehealthcare #kahukuhealthcare #laiehealthcare #hauulahealthcare #kaaawahealthcare #koolauloahealthcare
Aloha ‘Ohana!
March 8th is International Women’s Day!
At Ko’olauloa Health Center we care for all women through the comprehensive and compassionate care we provide. These services include well-woman exams, pap smears, perinatal care, contraception, STI testing, and much more.
Make an appointment with one of our Women’s Health care providers today! Call (808) 293-9231 or visit for more information.
#bewell #staywell #womenshealthservices #northshorehealthcare #kahukuhealthcare #hauulahealthcare #koolauloahealthcare
Aloha ʻOhana!
You have a reason to smile!
Ko’olauloa Dentistry : Happy SMILES Locally Grown!
Come see Dr. Cecilia our local Dental Specialist! We accept ALL Insurance & Medicaid Sliding fee program for uninsured. Schedule your dental appointment today!
(808) 293-9231
#koolauloadental #koolauloadentalhealth #koolauloahealthcenter #koolauloahealthcare
Aloha ‘Ohana!
Did you know reading to children supports health and wellness?
Even though babies can’t understand everything you’re saying let alone read words, reading aloud is key to brain development needed for math, reading, and even emotional control. Because it’s social time, it’s a time for you to get closer to your baby.
Try to read out loud to your baby every day; before naps and bedtime are ideal. Have them snuggle in your lap when you’re reading to them. Read with enthusiasm. Vary the tone of your voice. You’re not limited to the words on the page. Ask questions. What’s going to happen next? Etc.
At Ko’olauloa Health Center we believe reading is so vital for wellness, that we have a program called Reach Out and Read. Each time your child comes for their visit between the ages of 6 months and 6 years, will receive a new book to add to their personal library. Speaking of libraries. If you don’t have a public library card, go get one! Picking out books with your child will build a lifetime of love for reading.
Concerned about your child’s reading or speaking? Let your primary care provider know. We can usually tell you if they’re on track or not, and if we have any doubts, we can refer your child to the right specialist to figure out the issue and get the needed treatment.
Keiki and adults alike need to stay on schedule for regular wellness visits. Call us today for an appointment. We are always accepting new patients regardless of insurance or ability to pay.
Visit or call (808) 293-9231 for more information.
#bewell #staywell #livewell #laiehealthcare #hauulahealthcare #kaaawahealthcare #readtoyourbaby #babyreading #koolauloahealthcare
Aloha ‘Ohana,
Are you over 65?
Ko’olauloa Health Center offers FREE Welcome to Medicare and Annual Wellness Visits (AW) for preventive care such as depression, cognitive impairment, and assessing fall risk. Your first AW can be scheduled within the first 12 months of signing up for Medicare. After that, you’re entitled to an AWV in addition to your regular annual physical exams every year.
Let KHC provide your Kūpuna with a personalized plan to stay healthy and well by calling (808) 293-9231 or visiting to schedule a free Medicare preventive care visit.
#medicare #annualwellnessvisit #kahukuhealthcare #koolauloahealthcare #koolauloahealthcenter
Aloha ‘Ohana,
What is a “well-child visit”? Even if your child is not sick, regular visits to the doctor provide important information and treatments to help your child grow up healthy. These visits to the doctor are free of charge.
KHC’s well-child visit for children includes:
- Examination of your child’s body, including height and weight, vision, and hearing.
- Answering your and your child’s questions.
- Providing physical, mental, and social advice.
- Administering necessary vaccinations.
- Making referrals to specialists if needed.
Contact Dr. Danielle Lum to schedule your keiki’s well-child vist.
Ko’olauloa Health Center - Kahuku Clinic
56-119 Pualalea Street, Kahuku HI 96731
(808) 293-9231
#wellchild #wellchildvisit #koolauloahealthcenter #koolauloahealth #keikihealth
Aloha ‘Ohana!
Big shout out to everyone who came out to visit our team at today’s Sunset Beach Christian Church outreach event today! We’re looking forward to seeing everyone again soon! Mahalo to all of you for your support! We appreciate all of you.
#northshoreservicecenter #koolauloahealth #koolauloahealthcenter