Summer Health Tips

Aloha gang!

With the state entering Tier 4, school out, and summer in full swing, many of us are enjoying our island’s great outdoors, BBQs, and other ocean adventures. Here are healthy tips to Protect Your Skin from the Inside out:

  • Science recommends 15 minutes of sunlight a day to provide a healthy dose of Vitamin D, but excess sun exposure can activate free radicals that can damage skin and stimulate aging.

  • Wearing sunscreen daily and using other forms of sun protection such as clothing are essential, but you can also support your skin by eating certain foods for UV protection from the inside out.

  • Wild salmon – Salmon contains a powerful antioxidant, astaxanthin, which helps to support the skin during sun exposure. Pacific Sockeye salmon contains an average of 10mg of astaxanthin per serving – which is an adequate dosage of astaxanthin for skin health.

  • Tomatoes & Watermelon – Watermelon and tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene, which studies have shown to be helpful with protecting skin from sunburn when exposed to UV light.

  • Carrots This healthy snack staple may not only help prevent sun damage, but it might also even help reverse it due to the antioxidant beta-carotene found in carrots.

Have fun and be safe out there!