AlohaSafe Alert

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Aloha Ohana!

Here is a repost from our friends at the Department of Health regarding the release of the cool AlohaSafe Alert mobile app.

The AlohaSafe Alert App is a private and secure way of getting instant notifications that let you know if you have been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19. Download the app from your app store or play store today! Learn more about the AlohaSafe Alert App at

If you do get notified that you were exposed to an individual who contracted COVID-19, make sure to get tested. 


  • If you are NOT experiencing symptoms, you do not need to quarantine. Get tested 3-5 days after your date of exposure. If your results come back positive, isolate for 10 days. Keep track of your symptoms to see if they are improving. If they have improved by day 10 and you do not have a fever for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing meds), you can end isolation.

  • If you are experiencing symtpoms, get tested 3-5 days after the date you were exposed to COVID-19. Quarantine until you receive your test results. If your results come back positive, isolate for 10 days. Keep track of your symptoms to see if they are improving. If they have improved by day 10 and you do not have a fever for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing meds), you can end isolation.


  • If you are not fully vaccinated, get tested immediately and quarantine for 10 days after your last contact with the person who tested positive, regardless of your COVID-19 infection status (positive or negative).

Whether you are vaccinated or not, watch for symptoms for 14 days after your last contact with the person with COVID-19 infection. If you develop symptoms, immediately self-isolate and contact your health care provider.

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