Breathe Easy

Aloha ‘Ohana,

Did you know that the volcanic haze (vog) from the current Big Island eruption has reached Oahu and may affect your keiki if they have asthma? This is a particular concern since Ko’olauloa’s keiki experience asthma rates 50% higher than the state average.

Asthma Awareness is critical, so let’s keep in mind that asthma sufferers are especially sensitive to changes in air quality and climate.

KHC can help you regain control of your asthma. If you or a family member is suffering from asthma (or any other health concern), call us at 293-9231. We are always accepting new patients regardless of insurance or ability to pay.


#asthmaawareness #letsbreatheasy #koolauloahealth #koolauloahealthcenter