Posts tagged Medicinal Monday
Medicinal Plants of Hawaii
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Aloha gang! It’s “Medicinal Monday” here at KHC. Did you know that there are many medicinal plant substances that grow in the Ko’olauloa area of Oahu? Here are a few notable ones:

Papaya - Contains papaya seeds papain, an enzyme that aids in the digestion of proteins.

Turmeric - Contains powerful anti-inflammatory ingredients, and curcumin that is effective in treating pain and depression.

Honohono - Hawaiians have long known the benefits of hononono, these include its efficacy in treating bleeding and dysentery.

Noni - Hawaiians used noni to treat everything from eczema, ringworm, colds, flu, to diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

Mamaki - Mamaki is an indigenous Hawaiian pine tree. Dried leave of the Mamaki tree creates a medicinal tea that helps support a healthy liver, colon, and bladder.

Aloe - Aloe is best known for its ability to relieve sunburn. Aloe is also excellent for treating a broad array of conditions, both internal and external. Aloe contains powerful antioxidants called polyphenols that protect against free radical damage.

Have a healthy week gang!