Posts tagged Throwback Thursday
What Does Ko’olauloa Mean?
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We’re often asked what Ko’olauloa means. We put together the short description below together for everyone on this “Throwback Thursday”.

Ko'olauloa is the northeastern district of O'ahu, from Waimea Bay on the North Shore to Ka'a'awa on the windward coast. ("Ko'olau" means "windward"; "loa" means “long")

The valleys from La'ie to Kahana are well-watered and fertile. The most famous god of this land was Kamapua'a, "Pig-Child" whose home was in the valley of Kaliuwa'a (Sacred Falls) in Kaluanui.

The gods Kane and Kanaloa wandered through this district, creating springs and fishing. Fish is abundant; the coastline is also noted for its shark gods and shark men (mano kanaka).
