Vaccines are Crucial

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Aloha ‘Ohana!

A lot of things are getting postponed this year, but your child’s vaccinations shouldn’t be one of them. Some people are avoiding the doctor’s office for everything but the essentials. Statistics show immunizations have declined about 40% in spring 2020. That’s not a good thing – here’s why. Pediatricians are concerned this delay could trigger an outbreak of other highly contagious diseases with potentially worse complications than COVID-19 for children, like measles or whooping cough.

It’s easy to take immunizations for granted because we don’t hear about many serious outbreaks anymore. However, diseases like measles haven’t been eradicated. They are just kept at bay as long as children stay vaccinated.

Staying on schedule protects everyone. When families get behind schedule, it means that a child doesn’t have immunity until they get caught up. We know that immunizations help to protect the health of not only your child but everyone around them as well – especially those who are immune-compromised and vulnerable. Vaccines are also required for school, daycare, and sports participation.

Yes, it’s safe to come to Ko’olauloa Health Center.

Ko’olauloa Health Center is committed to keeping you safe while providing care. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Extra safety measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19

  • Rigorous cleaning and disinfecting protocols

  • Reduction in the number of visitors

  • Masks required upon entry

Call (808) 293-9231 to set up your appointment today.



