Speak Up For Your Health

Aloha ‘Ohana

Picture this: a world where equity isn't just a buzzword, but a guiding principle. Communities are at the heart of decision-making and actively shaping their health, not sidelined. Public health's future is all about teaming up — joining forces with unexpected partners from different sectors and centering community voices. This future is about tearing down barriers, not just fixing problems but preventing them altogether. It's making sure every person has access to the support and care they need for a healthier life.

What can you do to make a difference in the future of public health?

Speak for health. Use your voice to advocate for policies that prioritize community well-being. Educate others about public health issues and get in touch with your lawmakers to enact change. APHA’s action alerts make it easy to send messages to your elected officials to tell them about the issues that matter to you.

Join community organizations. Getting involved with community organizations allows you to contribute to initiatives that promote health equity at the local level. For example, participating in a mutual aid network might involve sharing resources within the community during tough times, building a strong support system. This active participation helps create a healthier future where local communities have collective power, ensuring everyone's well-being.


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