Posts tagged Diabetes
Diabetes Prevention Program Announcement!

Aloha 'Ohana!

Ko’olauloa Health Center is excited to offer the CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program. This is a lifestyle change program that can help to prevent type 2 diabetes. The program is being offered for FREE for both Ko’olauloa Health Center patients and non-patient community members.

In the Diabetes Prevention Program participants will be with a group from the community. Led by our clinic’s dedicated team of trained lifestyle coaches, participants will learn the skills to make lasting lifestyle changes. They will learn to eat healthier, increase physical activity, manage stress, stay motivated, and solve problems that can get in the way of maintaining healthy changes.

The clinic is looking to start classes in late May 2023.

Learn more at:

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Upcoming Program

Diabetes Prevention Program

Ko’olauloa Health Center is excited to offer the CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program. This is a lifestyle change program that can help to prevent type 2 diabetes. The program is being offered for FREE for both Ko’olauloa Health Center patients and non-patient community members.

In the Diabetes Prevention Program participants will be with a group from the community. Led by our clinic’s dedicated team of trained lifestyle coaches, participants will learn the skills to make lasting lifestyle changes. They will learn to eat healthier, increase physical activity, manage stress, stay motivated, and solve problems that can get in the way of maintaining healthy changes.

The clinic is looking to start classes in late May 2023.

Learn more at:

#diabetesprevention #diabetes #diabetespreventionprogram #kahukuhealthservices #hauulahealthservices#laiehealthservices #kaaawahealthservices #koolauloahealthcenter

Eat Healthy!

Diabetes Prevention Program

Ko’olauloa Health Center is excited to offer the CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program. This is a lifestyle change program that can help to prevent type 2 diabetes. The program is being offered for FREE for both Ko’olauloa Health Center patients and non-patient community members.

In the Diabetes Prevention Program participants will be with a group from the community. Led by our clinic’s dedicated team of trained lifestyle coaches, participants will learn the skills to make lasting lifestyle changes. They will learn to eat healthier, increase physical activity, manage stress, stay motivated, and solve problems that can get in the way of maintaining healthy changes.

The clinic is looking to start classes in late May 2023.

Learn more at:

#diabetesprevention #diabetes #diabetespreventionprogram #kahukuhealthservices #hauulahealthservices#laiehealthservices #kaaawahealthservices #koolauloahealthcenter

Let's Have Some Fun!

Aloha ‘Ohana,

Some of you had questions regarding our upcoming Diabetes Prevention Program. Here is a short FAQ to help give you a few answers.

Diabetes Prevention Program FAQ

Adults 18+ years old who have prediabetes are found to be at risk for diabetes using a Diabetes Risk Assessment.

A lifestyle change program that is proven to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. As a part of a group within the community, you will work with a trained lifestyle coach to learn the skills you need to make lasting lifestyle changes.

We are aiming to start a cohort by the end of May 2023. With enough interest, we will be able to start additional cohorts in the future.

Classes will be held in person within the Ko’olauloa community.

Over 40% of Hawaii adults have prediabetes, but most do NOT know that they have it. Most cases of type 2 diabetes can be prevented by making small lifestyle changes.

FREE. You do NOT need to be a Ko’olauloa Health Center patient to participate.

#diabetespreventionprogram #diabetesprevention #diabetes #kahukuhealthcare #laiehealthcare #hauulahealthcare#kaaawahealthcare #koolauloahealthcenter #koolauloahealthcare

Diabetes Prevention Program 2023

Diabetes Prevention Program

Ko’olauloa Health Center is excited to offer the CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program. This is a lifestyle change program that can help to prevent type 2 diabetes. The program is being offered for FREE for both Ko’olauloa Health Center patients and non-patient community members.

In the Diabetes Prevention Program participants will be with a group from the community. Led by our clinic’s dedicated team of trained lifestyle coaches, participants will learn the skills to make lasting lifestyle changes. They will learn to eat healthier, increase physical activity, manage stress, stay motivated, and solve problems that can get in the way of maintaining healthy changes.

The clinic is looking to start classes in late May 2023.

Learn more at:

#diabetesprevention #diabetes #diabetespreventionprogram #kahukuhealthservices #hauulahealthservices#laiehealthservices #kaaawahealthservices #koolauloahealthcenter

National Diabetes Month 2022

Aloha ‘Ohana!

November is National Diabetes Month, a time when communities across the country team up to bring attention to diabetes. This year’s focus is on managing diabetes by building your healthcare team.

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. It affects about 37 million Americans, including adults and youth. Diabetes can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart, and is linked to some types of cancer.

Working with healthcare professionals at Ko’olauloa Health Center can offer you the personal care you need and may help improve your health. And while it takes a team to manage diabetes, remember that you are the most important participant in your diabetes care.

Here are some tips to help you manage diabetes and build your healthcare team:

- You are the center of your care.
- Manage diabetes as early as possible.
- Build your diabetes healthcare team with Ko’olauloa Health Center.
- Start with small changes to create healthy habits.
- Make physical activity and healthy eating part of your daily routine.

Feel free to contact our providers by calling (808) 293-9231 or visit to schedule an appointment. Let's work together this month to get healthy.

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