Posts tagged Holiday - National
Veterans Day

Aloha 'Ohana!

On this Veterans Day, we celebrate the generations of Americans who fought to defend America's promise - a promise of security, opportunity, and freedom for all.

These brave men and women represent the best of our nation — and we are forever indebted to their service and sacrifice.

Mahalo to all who have served.

Memorial Day 2023

On this Memorial Day…

Wherein the structure sags in the center but stands strong and vigorous at the end, expressing initial defeat and ultimate victory. The overall effect is one of serenity. Overtones of sadness have been omitted, to permit the individual to contemplate his own personal responses…his innermost feelings.

~ Alfred Preis, Architect: Pearl Harbor National Memorial.

Photo: @daviddoubilet for @natgeo

#memorialday #memorialday2023 #koolauloahealthcenter


In celebration of Martin Luther King Day tomorrow, we remember this powerful quote:

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience and comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

From his 1963 book, Strength to Love.



Mahalo Veterans!

Aloha ‘Ohana!

This Veteran’s Day, we honor generations of patriots who have earned the title of “American Veteran”.

We owe them an incredible debt that can never be fully repaid. Let us know them by living up to their example; putting service before self, caring for our neighbors, and working to fund a more perfect Union.

#bewell #staywell #livewell #veteransday #koolauloahealthcenter

Memorial Day 2022

Wherein the structure sags in the center but stands strong and vigorous at the end, expresses initial defeat and ultimate victory. The over effect is one of serenity.  Overtones of sadness have been omitted, to permit the individual to contemplate his own personal responses…his innermost feelings. ~ Alfred Preis, Architect : Pearl Harbor National Memorial.

Photo: @daviddoubilet for @natgeo


International Womens Day

Aloha ‘Ohana!

This International Women’s Day we celebrate the women who were our pathfinders, and those who are charting the course for a more equitable future. Today we also recognize the rising generation of change-makers who follow in their path. 


1st of 365

Aloha ‘Ohana!

January 1st is the first page of a 365-page novel.

That’s right! We all have the opportunity to create a new story for the new year. Today is our new beginning for a fresh start to care for our loved ones, our community, and ourselves. Let's make it count.



