Posts tagged Kupuna Care
Kupuna Wellness

Aloha ‘Ohana,

Are you over 65?

Ko’olauloa Health Center offers FREE Welcome to Medicare and Annual Wellness Visits (AW) for preventive care such as depression, cognitive impairment, and assessing fall risk. Your first AW can be scheduled within the first 12 months of signing up for Medicare. After that, you’re entitled to an AWV in addition to your regular annual physical exams every year.

Let KHC provide your Kūpuna with a personalized plan to stay healthy and well by calling (808) 293-9231 or visiting to schedule a free Medicare preventive care visit.


#medicare #annualwellnessvisit #kahukuhealthcare #laiehealthcare #hauulahealthcare #kaaawahealthcare #koolauloahealthcare #koolauloahealthcenter

World Senior Citizen's Day

Aloha ‘Ohana!

Today is World Senior Citizen's Day. Today all of us at KHC honors and recognizes the contributions of all our kupuna in our community. Today we emphasise the importance of addressing issues related to our kupuna, such as healthcare access, economic security, social isolation, and elder abuse.

If there is a senior family member who is due for their annual physical or needs other healthcare assistance, please give us a call at (808) 293-9231. We would love to help.

Sending our aloha to all the kupuna in our Ko’olauloa community.

#worldseniorcitizenday #kupuna #seniorhealth #koolauloahealth #koolauloahealthcenter

Kupuna Care

Aloha ‘Ohana,

Are you over 65?

Ko’olauloa Health Center offers FREE Welcome to Medicare and Annual Wellness Visits (AW) for preventive care such as depression, cognitive impairment, and assessing fall risk. Your first AW can be scheduled within the first 12 months of signing up for Medicare. After that, you’re entitled to an AWV in addition to your regular annual physical exams every year.

Let KHC provide your Kūpuna with a personalized plan to stay healthy and well by calling (808) 293-9231 or visiting to schedule a free Medicare preventive care visit.


#medicare #annualwellnessvisit #kahukuhealthcare #laiehealthcare #hauulahealthcare #kaaawahealthcare #koolauloahealthcare #koolauloahealthcenter