Posts tagged Medicare

Aloha ‘Ohana,

If you are currently enrolled in Med-Quest, you will be receiving or may have received a pink letter (Medical Eligibility Renewal Form) from the Hawaii Med-Quest Division. Med-Quest will be mailing these pink letters until April 2024.

Please drop by to talk with Harry Wa`a from our health center who can assist you with this process. If your information is not submitted by the deadline stated in your letter, you may lose coverage. We want to ensure that you maintain your health through us.

Call (808) 293-9231 or visit for more information or to reach Harry.


#med-quest #medquest #questhawaii #hawaiidoh #kahukuhealthcare #laiehealthcare #hauulahealthcare #kaaawahealthcare #koolauloahealthcenter #koolauloahealth

Med-Quest Reminder

Aloha ‘Ohana,

If you are currently enrolled in Med-Quest, you will be receiving or may have received a pink letter (Medical Eligibility Renewal Form) from the Hawaii Med-Quest Division. Med-Quest will be mailing these pink letters until April 2024.

Please drop by to talk with Harry Wa`a from our health center who can assist you with this process. If your information is not submitted by the deadline stated in your letter, you may lose coverage. We want to ensure that you maintain your health through us.

Call (808) 293-9231 or visit for more information or to reach Harry.


#med-quest #medquest #questhawaii #hawaiidoh #kahukuhealthcare #laiehealthcare #hauulahealthcare #kaaawahealthcare #koolauloahealthcenter #koolauloahealth

Our Kūpuna

Aloha ‘Ohana,

Are you over 65?

Ko'olauloa Health Center offers FREE Welcome to Medicare and Annual Wellness Visits
(AW) for preventive care such as depression, cognitive impairment, and assessing fall risk. Your first AW can be scheduled within the first 12 months of signing up for Medicare. After that, you're entitled to an AWV in addition to your regular annual physical exams every year.

Let KHC provide your Kūpuna with a personalized plan to stay healthy and well by calling (808) 293-9231 or visiting to schedule a free Medicare preventive care visit.


#medicare #annualwellnessvisit #kahukuhealthcare #laiehealthcare #hauulahealthcare #kaaawahealthcare #koolauloahealthcare #koolauloahealthcenter