Posts tagged Mindful
Are you living in the past, present, or future?

Aloha ‘Ohana!

Here are some words of wisdom from our friends at Mindful Brains.

“Are you living in the past, present, or future?”

How much of your time today have you spent thinking or worrying about something you said or did yesterday or any day in the past? Did you spend time feeling sad or anxious about something that happened to you recently or maybe even years ago? Or maybe it is not the past you worry about, maybe it is the future? Have you spent time wondering about something that may happen (good or bad), or spend time making plans for a future event? We all have spent a portion of our day, doing just that. And so we should, to a certain degree.

It is wonderful to spend some time reflecting on the past and the future, and it can be very important. We should learn from our past and we hopefully have wonderful memories that we would like to reminisce about. It is important that we plan our futures, have a budget, save, and schedule our time otherwise we have no direction and we may or may not meet our goals. The problem arises when we spend the majority or maybe all of our time in the past and/ or future, then we lose sight of the here and now.

So how do vou stav present?

An important component of mindfulness (being fully present) is acceptance of inner experience; in other words, the ability to accept negative emotions and thoughts without judging them. When you get stressed by difficult life events or daily pressures, you may feel anxiety and depressed mood, or have self-critical or worrying thoughts.

Observe what's happening in your mind and body like passing clouds. Do not try to analyze, suppress, judge or figure out thoughts or sensations. Let them just BE. Practice this technique every time you have a chance.

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Positive Things to say to Kids

Aloha ‘Ohana - we hope everyone is safe on this rainy Monday. While we were getting ready for the week and the new year, we were thinking of our community’s keiki and how we can continue to be a positive influence.

Going back to basics - Words Matter…

Certainly, words can become meaningless when they aren’t followed with action, but nonetheless, words have great power. You can choose to add more positive ones to your days.

What phrases do you say each day to your children?

Which ones do you want them to remember?

What do you say that will stay with your children for the rest of their lives?

Coming up with a few encouraging words for kids or positive phrases to say may tip the scales toward the kindness you want your keiki to imitate.

Here is an abbreviated list of things to say to your children that may inspire you*

- You are loved

- You make me smile

- I think about you when we’re apart

- My world is better with you in it

- I will do my best to keep you safe

- Sometimes I will say no

- I have faith in you

- I know you can handle it

- You are creative

- Trust your instincts

- Your ideas are worthwhile

- You are capable

- You are deserving

- You are strong

The complete list will appear in the News section of our new website which will be launching very soon!

Artwork: Alissa Marquess. Our staff is a big fan of Alissa Marquess’ work. You can see more at

#bewell #staywell #livewell #mentalhealth #childcare #kahukuhealthcare #laiehealthcare #hauulahealthcare #koolauloahealth

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Aloha ‘Ohana! Here is your weekend quote from our staff.

“There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.”

~ Alan Cohen

Have a great Aloha Sunday. We’re looking forward to the coming week!


