Posts in Behavioral Health
Our Services

Aloha ‘Ohana!

Did you know that Ko’olauloa Health Center is part of one of the nation’s largest healthcare provider networks? Every day, Ko’olauloa Health Center combines medical, dental, behavioral health care, and pharmacy services into a single Ko’olauloa Health Home.

- Medical Services
- Dental Services
- Pharmacy Services
- Behavioral Health Services
- Community Relations

At Ko’olauloa Health Center believe that health care should be a right, not a privilege. That is why we do everything in our power to ensure that all families in our community have access to the quality, affordable health care they deserve, and the peace of mind it brings.

We hope to serve you soon! Mahalo!

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Our Services

Aloha ‘Ohana!

Ko’olauloa Health Center is part of one of the nation’s largest healthcare provider networks. Every day, Ko’olauloa Health Center combines medical, dental, behavioral health care, and pharmacy services into a single Ko’olauloa Health Home.

Medical Services
Dental Services
Pharmacy Services
Podiatry Services
Mental Health Services
Behavioral Health Services
Community Outreach

At Ko’olauloa Health Center believe that health care should be a right, not a privilege. That is why we do everything in our power to ensure that all families in our community have access to the quality, affordable health care they deserve, and the peace of mind it brings.

Call (808) 293-9231 or visit to set up your appointment today.

#bewell #staywell #northshoreoahu #northshorehealth #kahukuhealth #hauulahealth #laiehealth #oahudental #oahuhealthcare #koolauloahealth #koolauloahealthcare

Our Services

Aloha ‘Ohana!

Ko’olauloa Health Center is part of one of the nation’s largest healthcare provider networks. Every day, Ko’olauloa Health Center combines medical, dental, behavioral health care, and pharmacy services into a single Ko’olauloa Health Home.

- Medical Services
- Dental Services
- Pharmacy Services
- Behavioral Health Services
- Community Relations

At Ko’olauloa Health Center believe that health care should be a right, not a privilege. That is why we do everything in our power to ensure that all families in our community have access to the quality, affordable health care they deserve, and the peace of mind it brings.

We hope to serve you soon! Mahalo!

#bewell #staywell #livewell #kahukuhealth#kahukuhealthcare #hauulahealth#hauulahealthcare #laiehealth#laiehealthcare #northshoreoahu#northshorehealth #koolauloahealth

KHC Services

Aloha 'Ohana!

As you already know, Ko’olauloa Health Center offers excellent primary and specialty care for men, women, and children. What you may not know is that we also offer Dental Services, Behavioral Health Services, and Pharmacy Services for your entire family.

Learn more at our new website:

Or call (808) 293-9231. We look forward to serving you and your family.

#bewell #staywell #livewell #kahukudental #kahukupharmacy #kahukuhealth #laiedental #laiepharmacy #laiehealth #hauuladental #hauulapharmacy #hauulahealth

KHC Services

Aloha 'Ohana!

Hello from all of us in our medical, dental, pharmacy, and behavioral health departments! Wishing all of you a safe and healthy week ahead!

If you have any questions about our medical services, call (808) 293-9231 or visit

#bewell #staywell #livewell #medicalservices #northshoremedical #kahukuhealthcare #laiehealthcare #hauulahealthcare #kaaawahealthcare #koolauloahealthcare

Reach Out & Read

Aloha ‘Ohana!

Reposting this from a few weeks ago so that yesterday's post made sense. :)

Did you know reading to children supports health and wellness?

Even though babies can’t understand everything you’re saying let alone read words, reading aloud is key to brain development needed for math, reading, and even emotional control. Because it’s social time, it’s a time for you to get closer to your baby.

Try to read out loud to your baby every day; before naps and bedtime are ideal. Have them snuggle in your lap when you’re reading to them. Read with enthusiasm. Vary the tone of your voice. You’re not limited to the words on the page. Ask questions. What’s going to happen next? Etc.

At Ko’olauloa Health Center we believe reading is so vital for wellness, we have a program called Reach Out and Read. Each time your child comes for their visit between the ages of 6 months and 6 years, will receive a new book to add to their personal library. Speaking of libraries. If you don’t have a public library card, go get one! Picking out books with your child will build a lifetime of love for reading.

Concerned about your child’s reading or speaking? Let your primary care provider know. We can usually tell you if they’re on track or not, and if we have any doubts, we can refer your child to the right specialist to figure out the issue and get the needed treatment.

Keiki and adults alike need to stay on schedule for regular wellness visits. Call us today for an appointment. We are always accepting new patients regardless of insurance or ability to pay.

visit or call (808) 293-9231 for more information.

#bewell #staywell #livewell #kahukuhealthcare #laiehealthcare #hauulahealthcare #kaaawahealthcare #readtoyourbaby#babyreading #koolauloahealthcare

KHC Services

Aloha ‘Ohana!

Ko’olauloa Health Center is part of one of the nation’s largest healthcare provider networks. Every day, Ko’olauloa Health Center combines medical, dental, behavioral health care, and pharmacy services into a single Ko’olauloa Health Home.

Medical Services
Dental Services
Pharmacy Services
Podiatry Services
Mental Health Services|
Behavioral Health Services
Community Outreach

At Ko’olauloa Health Center believe that health care should be a right, not a privilege. That is why we do everything in our power to ensure that all families in our community have access to the quality, affordable health care they deserve, and the peace of mind it brings.

Call (808) 293-9231 or visit to set up your appointment today.

#bewell #staywell #northshoreoahu #northshorehealth #kahukuhealth #hauulahealth #laiehealth #oahudental #oahuhealthcare #koolauloahealth #koolauloahealthcare

Nurtured by Nature

We're Nurtured by Nature... Aloha ‘Ohana!

Did you know that psychological research is advancing our understanding of how time in nature can improve our mental health and sharpen our cognition?

Yes - it’s true! Spending time in nature is linked to both cognitive benefits and improvements in mood, mental health, and emotional well-being. Feeling connected to nature can produce similar benefits to well-being, regardless of how much time one spends outdoors.

So, this coming weekend, keep in mind that spending time with your family at the beach or park is not only a great way to connect with each other but also a balm for our busy brains. Have fun out there!

#bewell #staywell #livewell

Purpose + Passion

Aloha ‘Ohana - here’s some food for thought..

Why are passion and purpose BOTH essential to reaching your goals?

Purpose: helps you determine a course of action. Passion: is what drives you.

Purpose sets direction while passion keeps you going when you hit the “dip”. You will need to draw upon your passion to stay committed, not give up, not get distracted, and climb the hill toward your goal.

Passion without purpose is going nowhere fast. “Passion without purpose is like a shot without a target.” - Ifeanyi Enoch.

Purpose steers and passion propels.

Here at Ko’olauloa, our purpose is to do everything in our power to ensure that all families in our community have access to the quality, affordable health care they deserve. Our passion is to continue to do this every day, even in the face of difficult circumstances, like the times we all currently face.

Mahalo to all of our staff and our community for sharing the same purpose and passion.

#bewell #staywell #livewell #kahukuhealthcare #laiehealthcare #hauulahealthcare #kaaawahealthcare#koolauloahealthcenter

How to Spot Smiling Depression

Aloha ‘Ohana…

With everything happening in our community we wanted to ask: …so - how are you? Really? When was the last time you asked a friend that simple question?

Sometimes a friend, colleague, or family who may have the appearance of having it all together on the outside is actually suffering on the inside. This is called Smiling Depression.

What is Smiling Depression?

Smiling depression involves appearing happy to others and smiling through the pain, keeping the inner turmoil hidden. It’s a major depressive disorder with atypical symptoms, and as a result, many don’t know they’re depressed or don’t seek help. People with smiling depression are often partnered or married, employed, and quite accomplished and educated. Their public, professional, and social lives are not struggling. Their façade is put together and accomplished.

But behind the mask and behind closed doors, their minds are filled with thoughts of worthlessness, inadequacy, and despair. They’ve usually struggled with depression and/or debilitating anxiety for years and have had some experience with therapy or medication. Many don’t disclose their depression due to fear of discrimination from loved ones or employers.

How can we help?

Many people struggling with smiling depression are perfectionists, or they don’t want to appear weak or out of control. The more we can shift the conversation to show positive role models living with depression—those who advocate for the mix of therapy, exercise, medication, sleep, and diet—the less shame and stigma will be associated with it.

Pay more attention to your loved ones (especially the warning signs)

If you have a friend who suddenly stops responding to phone calls or texts or cancels plans, don’t hesitate to ask them what’s going on and if they’re feeling okay. Let them know that they are heard and are not alone.

If you think you might be depressed:

On the days when your brain seems to be fighting you for your life, remember that you are enough, you are worthy, you are loved and you are not alone.

Reach out to someone you trust and consider contacting a therapist. Let these influential roles in your life help you to create a more positive state of mind. Rather than becoming submerged in a vortex of negative, self-defeating thoughts. Above all, please don’t give up. Please don’t let depression win. You are not alone.

Please call our Behavioral Health Services team if you feel the need to talk to someone. We are there for you (808) 293-9231. We see you…
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10 Things That Require Zero Talent

Aloha ’Ohana!

Here are 10 Things That Require Zero Talent to remember as we close out the workweek.

- - - -

10 Things That Require Zero Talent

Being on Time

Work Ethic



Body Language


Doing Extra

Being Prepared

Being Coachable


- - - -

#bewell #staywell #livewell #kahukuhealth #laiehealth #hauulahealth #kaaawahealth #koolauloahealth #koolauloahealthcenter

To-Do List

Aloha 'Ohana!

Here is a simple To-Do List to follow from the entire Ko'olauloa Health Center staff while you go about your day tomorrow.

Ko’olauloa Health Center To-Do List:

- Practice Kindness
- Be Thankful
- Breathe Deeply
- Enjoy Life
- Love

Have a healthy and happy Aloha Sunday gang!

#bewell #staywell #livewell #kahukuhealth #laiehealth #hauulahealth #kaaawahealth #koolauloahealth #koolauloahealthcenter

Holiday Affirmations

Aloha ‘Ohana!

It’s officially the holiday season which can sometimes mean added stress in our lives. How do you deal with holiday stress? If the holidays are a tough time for you, repeat these simple affirmations to help boost your sense of self and relieve stress.

Hope all of you have a safe, happy, and healthy Thanksgiving weekend.

Image courtesy of the wonderful team @everydayhealth. Mahalo!

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Positive Things to say to Kids

Aloha ‘Ohana - we hope everyone is safe on this rainy Monday. While we were getting ready for the week and the new year, we were thinking of our community’s keiki and how we can continue to be a positive influence.

Going back to basics - Words Matter…

Certainly, words can become meaningless when they aren’t followed with action, but nonetheless, words have great power. You can choose to add more positive ones to your days.

What phrases do you say each day to your children?

Which ones do you want them to remember?

What do you say that will stay with your children for the rest of their lives?

Coming up with a few encouraging words for kids or positive phrases to say may tip the scales toward the kindness you want your keiki to imitate.

Here is an abbreviated list of things to say to your children that may inspire you*

- You are loved

- You make me smile

- I think about you when we’re apart

- My world is better with you in it

- I will do my best to keep you safe

- Sometimes I will say no

- I have faith in you

- I know you can handle it

- You are creative

- Trust your instincts

- Your ideas are worthwhile

- You are capable

- You are deserving

- You are strong

The complete list will appear in the News section of our new website which will be launching very soon!

Artwork: Alissa Marquess. Our staff is a big fan of Alissa Marquess’ work. You can see more at

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