Posts tagged Mental Health
Purpose + Passion

Aloha ‘Ohana - here’s some food for thought..

Why are passion and purpose BOTH essential to reaching your goals?

Purpose: helps you determine a course of action. Passion: is what drives you.

Purpose sets direction while passion keeps you going when you hit the “dip”. You will need to draw upon your passion to stay committed, not give up, not get distracted, and climb the hill toward your goal.

Passion without purpose is going nowhere fast. “Passion without purpose is like a shot without a target.” - Ifeanyi Enoch.

Purpose steers and passion propels.

Here at Ko’olauloa, our purpose is to do everything in our power to ensure that all families in our community have access to the quality, affordable health care they deserve. Our passion is to continue to do this every day, even in the face of difficult circumstances, like the times we all currently face.

Mahalo to all of our staff and our community for sharing the same purpose and passion.

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How to Spot Smiling Depression

Aloha ‘Ohana…

With everything happening in our community we wanted to ask: …so - how are you? Really? When was the last time you asked a friend that simple question?

Sometimes a friend, colleague, or family who may have the appearance of having it all together on the outside is actually suffering on the inside. This is called Smiling Depression.

What is Smiling Depression?

Smiling depression involves appearing happy to others and smiling through the pain, keeping the inner turmoil hidden. It’s a major depressive disorder with atypical symptoms, and as a result, many don’t know they’re depressed or don’t seek help. People with smiling depression are often partnered or married, employed, and quite accomplished and educated. Their public, professional, and social lives are not struggling. Their façade is put together and accomplished.

But behind the mask and behind closed doors, their minds are filled with thoughts of worthlessness, inadequacy, and despair. They’ve usually struggled with depression and/or debilitating anxiety for years and have had some experience with therapy or medication. Many don’t disclose their depression due to fear of discrimination from loved ones or employers.

How can we help?

Many people struggling with smiling depression are perfectionists, or they don’t want to appear weak or out of control. The more we can shift the conversation to show positive role models living with depression—those who advocate for the mix of therapy, exercise, medication, sleep, and diet—the less shame and stigma will be associated with it.

Pay more attention to your loved ones (especially the warning signs)

If you have a friend who suddenly stops responding to phone calls or texts or cancels plans, don’t hesitate to ask them what’s going on and if they’re feeling okay. Let them know that they are heard and are not alone.

If you think you might be depressed:

On the days when your brain seems to be fighting you for your life, remember that you are enough, you are worthy, you are loved and you are not alone.

Reach out to someone you trust and consider contacting a therapist. Let these influential roles in your life help you to create a more positive state of mind. Rather than becoming submerged in a vortex of negative, self-defeating thoughts. Above all, please don’t give up. Please don’t let depression win. You are not alone.

Please call our Behavioral Health Services team if you feel the need to talk to someone. We are there for you (808) 293-9231. We see you…
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Mental Health

Aloha ‘Ohana!

We believe that wellness means being both healthy AND happy!

Our behavioral health staff can help with individual counseling, anger management, tobacco treatment, and other addictions. If you or a family is in need to help and support, please call (808) 293-9231 or visit to schedule an appointment.

We see you and are there for you.

#bewell #staywell #livewell #mentalhealth #wellness #addictiontreatment #kahukumentalhealth #laiementalhealth #hauulamentalhealth #koolauloahealth


Aloha 'Ohana!

Here are a few fun mental health-related graphs for all of you "left-brainers" out there. Cheers!

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Aloha ‘Ohana!

Here is a nice quote from Ram Dass to start your week off.
“Information is just bits of data. Knowledge is putting them together. Wisdom is transcending them.” ― Ram Dass

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Where Are You Living?

Aloha ‘Ohana!

Here are some words of wisdom from our friends at Mindful Brains.

“Are you living in the past, present, or future?”

How much of your time today have you spent thinking or worrying about something you said or did yesterday or any day in the past? Did you spend time feeling sad or anxious about something that happened to you recently or maybe even years ago? Or maybe it is not the past you worry about, maybe it is the future? Have you spent time wondering about something that may happen (good or bad), or spend time making plans for a future event? We all have spent a portion of our day, doing just that. And so we should, to a certain degree.

It is wonderful to spend some time reflecting on the past and the future, and it can be very important. We should learn from our past and we hopefully have wonderful memories that we would like to reminisce about. It is important that we plan our futures, have a budget, save, and schedule our time otherwise we have no direction and we may or may not meet our goals. The problem arises when we spend the majority or maybe all of our time in the past and/ or future, then we lose sight of the here and now.

So how do vou stav present?

An important component of mindfulness (being fully present) is acceptance of inner experience; in other words, the ability to accept negative emotions and thoughts without judging them. When you get stressed by difficult life events or daily pressures, you may feel anxiety and depressed mood, or have self-critical or worrying thoughts.

Observe what's happening in your mind and body like passing clouds. Do not try to analyze, suppress, judge or figure out thoughts or sensations. Let them just BE. Practice this technique every time you have a chance.

#bewell #staywell #livewell #mentalhealth #northshorehealth #kahukuhealthcare #laiehealthcare #hauulahealthcare #koolauloahealthcenter

The KU Project

Aloha 'Ohana,

Here are 5 signs you have someone KU in your life. Enjoy these wise words from the incredible group at The Ku Project.


Things to Say

Aloha ‘Ohana!

Happy Monday! We love the content from @everydayhealth and @adoseofreminders. These things are so beautiful to hear from the people we love. This is a loving reminder to check in with your loved ones ones and also yourself.

We hope these little dialogs are helpful to all of you.


Mental Strength

Aloha ‘Ohana!

We love the posts by @growwithcolby. Here is one from his IG page that perfectly sums up the biggest lessons in life in 5 truths. If you haven’t done so already, go give Colby a follow right now. He’s consistently dropping high-value content on his feed.

What are a few habits you practice to stay mentally strong?


April Intentions

Aloha ‘Ohana!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Here are some April intentions for the month ahead. Let’s focus on self-care and scheduling time for ourselves, enjoying the warmer weather and spending time outdoors, letting go of heavy things, and inviting new beginnings. Our entire staff wishes you all a positive month ahead.

