Posts tagged Wellness Wednesday

Aloha 'Ohana!

Here are a few fun mental health-related graphs for all of you "left-brainers" out there. Cheers!

#mentalhealth #kahukumentalhealth #kahukuhealthcare #laiementalhealth #laiehealthcare #hauulamentalhealth #hauulahealthcare #kaaawamentalhealth #kaaawahealthcare #koolauloahealthcare #bewell #staywell #livewell

Passion & Purpose
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Aloha ‘Ohana - here’s some food for thought this beautiful Wednesday.

Why are passion and purpose BOTH essential to reaching your goals?


Purpose: helps you determine a course of action. Passion: is what drives you.

Purpose sets direction while passion keeps you going when you hit the “dip”. You will need to draw upon your passion to stay committed, not give up, not get distracted, and climb the hill towards your goal.

Passion without purpose is going nowhere fast. “Passion without purpose is like a shot without a target.” - Ifeanyi Enoch.


Purpose steers, passion propels.

Here at Ko’olauloa, our purpose is to do everything in our power to ensure that all families in our community have access to the quality, affordable health care they deserve. Our passion is to continue to do this every day, even in the face of difficult circumstances, like the times we all currently face.

Mahalo to all of our staff and our community for sharing the same purpose and passion.




Well Child Wednesday
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Aloha Ohana!

Our friends at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) are promoting #wellchildwednesday and we're proud to support them.

Back to School is right around the corner! Are your kids ready? Now's the time to get your kids caught up on well-child visits & vaccinations. Schedule a visit with our pediatrician at KHC if you need immunizations and physicals. Don’t forget about a trip to our KHC dentist too!






Be Well
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Aloha Ohana!

At KHC Wellness Wednesday is the time of the week to get inspiration on how to live well.

Our health experts can help you focus on how to have a healthy mind and body. One can not exist without the other. Due to the current situation, we’re in, we know that sometimes it’s difficult to get motivated to do much of anything, let alone try to improve yourself. It’s a massive achievement to wake up and take care of yourself every day. 

The point of Wellness Wednesday here at KHC isn’t to provide you with useless inspiration, but to give you practical skills and advice to live a better, healthier life.

Have a beautiful day!




Cool Facts About Water
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Aloha Ohana - it’s Wellness Wednesday here at KHC.

Did you know that water keeps every system in your body functioning properly?

The Harvard Medical School Special Health Report 6-Week Plan for Healthy Eating notes that water has many important jobs, such as:

- Carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells

- Flushing bacteria from your bladder

- Aiding digestion

- Preventing constipation

- Normalizing blood pressure

- Stabilizing your heartbeat

- Cushioning joints

- Protecting organs and tissues

- Regulating body temperature

- Maintaining electrolyte (sodium) balance

Giving your body enough fluids to carry out those tasks means that you're staying hydrated.


Walking on Wellness Wednesday
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Aloha friends, it’s “Wellness Wednesday” here at KHC.

Here are a few of the many benefits of walking for your health:

Walking improves cardiac risk factors such as cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, vascular stiffness and inflammation, and mental stress.

And if cardiac protection and a lower death rate are not enough to get you moving, consider that walking and other moderate exercise programs also help protect against dementia, peripheral artery disease, obesity, diabetes, depression, colon cancer, and even erectile dysfunction.

Ready, set, walk!

Photo: Aaron K. Yoshino



What is Wellness?
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Aloha and happy Wellness Wednesday from everyone at Ko’olauloa Health Center! So what is wellness?

It’s very simple…

Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes so that instead of just living your best life, you're living well.

Visit our website (link in bio) to learn more about the many services we offer at Ko’olauloa Health Center.



