Aloha ‘Ohana!
Here are a few thoughts for all of you this coming weekend:
All of us at Ko’olauloa Health Center believe that health care should be a right, not a privilege. That is why we do everything in our power to ensure that all families in our community have access to the quality, affordable health care they deserve, and the peace of mind it brings.
Learn more about what we believe at:
#whatwebelieve #koolauloahealthcenter #koolauloahealthcare
Aloha 'Ohana!
Here are a few thoughts for all of you this Tuesday:
All of us at Ko’olauloa Health Center believe that health care should be a right, not a privilege. That is why we do everything in our power to ensure that all families in our community have access to the quality, affordable health care they deserve, and the peace of mind it brings.
Learn more about what we believe at:
#whatwebelieve #koolauloahealthcenter #koolauloahealthcare